Keeping yourself safe over summer

We’d like to thank all our students for your hard work and parents for your support this term as we approach the summer holiday.

Keeping yourself safe over summer | Advice and guidance for teens

We’d like to remind students of the importance of keeping safe over summer and to continue to focus on their wellbeing. Most of all, we hope you have an incredible summer break when it comes!

Keeping yourself safe this summer - beat the heat

Keeping yourself safe during summer

Here are some tips to stay safe during the summer:

  • If you’re out, make sure your phone is charged and your location services on so you can be located in an emergency.
  • Always use a trusted taxi company instead of hailing one and ensure the details match the one you get into.
  • Report crime anonymously on 101 or www.fearless.org. If you find yourself in immediate danger, call 999.

Staying healthy

Here are some tips to stay healthy during the summer:

  • You don’t need to be ‘stuck’ in the house – take walks, get some exercise but also find the time to rest and try some mindfulness activities.
  • Spend time with friends and family
  • Make sure you’re eating nutritious meals

Thinking about using alcohol or drugs?

Most young people do not use substances and it is important you know the law and risks of using drugs and alcohol. However, if you do choose to use or then here are some tips on how to keep safe:

  • Pace yourself and go slow. Alternate alcohol with soft drinks or water and stick to lower alcohol percentage drinks.
  • Taking illegal drugs is always risky. Tolerance levels can be different, and with illegal drugs, you never know what’s in them, their strength or purity.
  • Do not leave drinks unattended or accept a drink from someone you don’t know. It may have been .
  • Avoid mixing drugs and alcohol together and do not mix these with prescription medicines.
  • Never drive whilst under the influence or get into a car where the driver has used drugs or excessive alcohol.
  • Keep . Make sure you have someone you can trust and rely on, if you or a friend needs help.
  • if you or someone else needs immediate help. Always be honest with medical professionals about what you think you or someone you’re with has taken so they know how best to help.
  • If you’re worried about or illegal drug use, do reach out for help.

Keeping yourself safe this summer - Ask angela

Ask for Angela

If you’re out and someone makes you uncomfortable, Ask for “Angela”. Bar and restaurant staff will know that you need help getting out of the situation and will call you a taxi or help you leave discreetly – without fuss.

Deciding whether to have sex?

  • Make sure you – use a condom to protect against sexually transmitted infections or unwanted pregnancy.
  • It’s important that any sexual activity you have is consensual, meaning both agree, feel happy and comfortable with it.
  • . Remember, you have the right to change your mind and say “no” or “stop” at any point.
  • If the sex you had wasn’t consensual, seek help from the Police or

Feeling low or lonely?

The summer break from college can feel exciting for most young people, but for some, they may feel worried about a long summer at home or away from their friends and support networks.

Top tips that may help:

  • Keep up a good routine – try to get up at a reasonable time each day, shower and get dressed.
  • Get planning – plan your days or weeks to have something to look forward to or focus on.
  • Practice self-care – go for walks outside, explore a new area, learn a new hobby, or volunteer.
  • Stay connected with friends and suggest meeting up during the holidays. They may be feeling the same as you.
  • If you feel low and are having negative feelings, remember it will pass – but there’s always someone to talk to. Call the Samaritans on 116 123.

Wanting to stay connected with others online?

If you’re communicating with others online:

  • Review your privacy settings and try not to advertise when you’re away on holiday or home alone on social media.
  • Report any harmful, abusive, or illegal content.
  • Report, block, and screenshot any inappropriate or offensive behaviour.
  • Only use trusted and reputable sources of information and only communicate with people you know.
  • Do not share your bank details or personal information to anybody without verifying their identity first – if it seems too good to be true, it probably is!

Keeping yourself safe this summer - summer water safety

Wanting to cool off by swimming?

If you’re swimming this summer:

  • Ask yourself, is the area safe? Is it too deep, too shallow, are there currents, or underwater objects?
  • Enter slowly and carefully – never jump from heights.
  • Don’t go too far – stay within reach and within a standing depth.
  • Make sure someone is around to call for help if needed and keep a look out for lifeguards. In an emergency, call 999 and ask for Fire Service when inland and Coastguard if at the coast.
  • Do not go swimming whilst under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • If you do get into trouble, stay calm, float on your back and call for help.

Worried about any of these topics?

If you’re worried about any of these topics:

  • Speak to a trusted adult such as a parent, carer, or advice service.
  • Speak to 91’s Safeguarding Team – email safe@activatelearning.ac.uk
  • For drug and alcohol information and support –
  • For online safety advice –
  • For mental health support – or call 116 123 for free
  • For support following sexual assault – or call 0808 500 2222 for free

We look forward to welcoming you back to college in September 2024 for the new academic year.

We’d like to remind students to stay vigilant and safe and we hope you have a restful summer break. The last day of face-to-face learning on campus will be on Friday 5 July.

Be sure to share your summer pictures via